Planning and Listed Building Consent
Planning and Listed Building Consent has been granted for the alterations and repairs at The Lafrowda Club!
There are a few conditions on the Listed Building Consent, namely details of architraves, skirtings, etc., and the railings to the front, once these are all worked out, but this is fairly standard at this stage on a project such as ours.
We are delighted and fundraising can begin in ernest to get the renovation of this stunning building started.
We also now have permanent alcohol and entertainment license.
The hall comes equipped with a 120 inch screen, professional digital projector, PA and Sound system and by tomorrow hopefully a new paint job.
If you are interested in hiring the hall for creative and local history, gigs, parties, lectures or anything that fits with the remit of the hall please contact us through Facebook PM or Lafrowda.club@gmail.com
Once again thank you to the community of St Just for your goodwill and support.